Wednesday, November 3, 2010


A White Heron
-Cow: Milk
-White: Peace, shows the importance of the bird, makes Syllvia realize how beautiful the bird is
-Red: Syllvia is scared of this color, describes a boy with red on his face chasing her and how it scared her
-Tree: Symbolizes life, when Syllvia keeps climbing the tree she keeps having to go farther and farther up because she still isn't done. Just like in life when you think you are done there is still something left to do.
-Hunter: Syllvia hides from him like he wants to kill her, also symbolizes hope because if she tells him where the bird is, she wouldn't have to worry about money
-When the tree splits into 2: its the two decision Syllvia can take, tell the hunter where the bird is, or not.
The Yellow Wall-Paper
-Yellow: symbolizes how the narrator is sick
-Windows: trapped, as much as she wants to be apart of the world her husband won't let her
-Wallpaper:how men tortured women, made them do things they didn't want to do, showing unequaliness between men and women
-Sickness: how men ignored women when trying to search for equality, she would tell her husband something was wrong with her and he would tell her she was fine
-I found when reading this story, almost all symbols have to relate to how limited women were during this time period.  All of the symbols have to do with how men didn't care what women thought and basically brainwashed their wives so the husbands could feel powerful.

1 comment:

  1. Yes, right after I read "The Yellow Wallpaper" I wanted to use it as my Literary Analysis.
