Sunday, January 30, 2011

Topic for We

My topic for We I chose to do about dehumanizing at the One State.  I want to discuss how freedom is taken away and how it makes D-503 go insane.  People need freedom for their own individuality. That is why I wanted to pick this topic.  I think dehumanization is everywhere in the One State.  Everyone in the story symbolizes some part of dehumanization and how it effects them. 

Thursday, January 27, 2011


I overall enjoyed the book.  I didn't really enjoy the beginning but once I got through the first fifty pages or so I started to become more interested in the story.  I also enjoyed this book because it kept me guessing.  The ending I was surprised by, I thought for sure he was going to commit suicide since he was so upset with I-330.  I didn't like how they kept puting I-330 in the Gas Bell Jar, it just sounded very painful.  But for being written in the 1920's I think Zamyatin did a great job writing this book.

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

State of the Union

I decided to youtube the State of the Union address and I really enjoyed the video.  I liked how Obama focused on not the negative but also the positive.  Even though the stock market and finding jobs has gone down, the U.S. is still the largest successful economy.  However, President Obama said China has the fastest computer and some type of solar technology.. I think.  But, global competition is good! It makes the U.S. work harder.  Also, the economy is getting better.  It takes time to improve an entire country and I think people are way too hard on the government and the President.  They focus way too much on them rather than what they themselves can do. I can't stand it when people complain about how poor they are and they still spend money on unnecessary things.  Sometimes you have to work your way to the top.  I know this will probably never happen but I don't like political parties.  I think of it as a sign of segregation.  Everyone's beliefs are important but you shouldn't have to make a party about it.  I feel it just puts people at a narrow mind set.  Most Republicans hate Democrats and vice versa.  But I thought everything Obama wants to succeed in is the right way to a better economy. 

Monday, January 24, 2011


The most upsetting thing I would miss in the One State is family.  Even though there are times when I want to kill my sibilings or parents, they have been a major impact in my life.  Family teaches you many lessons in life.  Even if some people don't like there family, it can teach you what not to do.  There are some things that drives me crazy that my parents do.  I can't stand it when my mom smacks her food or how she freaks out about the dumbest things.  I make sure not to do some bad habits that my family have. I'm also sure that I have plenty of my own bad habits!  Another reason why I would miss my family so much is because they're very supportive.  I also know they will always be honest with me, even when I don't want them to.  I would also miss my dad making the best chocalate chip pancakes I have ever had! Family is so important to have and I would be an unhappy person if I didn't have a one.

Saturday, January 22, 2011

Feminist Critics

First off, I didn't read your email until a few minutes ago so I read to 155 so my information will be past page 122! I thought this was the most interesting because in We, I do think Zamyatin makes men and women seem equal for the most part.  When I-330 stands up and says "no" during the One Vote Day, it shocks me that he would write about a women this way because women in the 1920's weren't like that at all.  I think part of the reason Zamyatin makes I-330 this way because she is the "different" one.  The men and women at the One State generally do the same things.  Men are mostly male-dominated in the story, but it's not to the extent where it is too over powering because I-330 still outsmarts everyone.  I also just thought of this, nobody in We is married.  I know they have those triangle families and such but do they not get married?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

Style,Tone,Irony, and More!

Style: When Yevgeny Zamyatin writes this story I feel like he makes D-503 very straight forward but then he explains himself so we don't think he is crazy. Like when he talks about wanting to have sex with I-330 he covers it up that he is sick.  D-503 opinions are very narrow minded but  I can tell he is becoming more open minded when I read farther into the story.

Tone: Anytime D-503 talks about the ancestors he describes them as dumb and crazy.  He thinks that we are dumb to have freedom.  So his tone is basically that he looks down upon us and is disappointed in our decisions.

Irony: P. 64 " I hate the fog. I am afraid of fog." "That means you love it. You're afraid of it-because it is stronger than you. You hate it-because you are afraid of it.  You love it-because you can't conquer it yourself.  You see, you can only love the unconquerable." D-503 then admits he likes the fog.  I also think the fog relates to I-330.  Even though D-503 really wants to hate I-330, he can't because he likes her.

Plot: In the book it talks about how plots can go back and forth between the past and present to provide information that leads up to the final startling moment.  I think that is how this book is arranged.  It is in the future but it keeps relating to his ancestors (which is in today's present) and I don't think we will really know what is going to happen until the very end.

Characterization: Old Lady: D-503 portrays her as an old wrinkly lady with a wrinkled kinda weird mouth.  He makes her seem mysterious at the Ancient House and hasn't quite figured her out yet.
Setting: The setting is mostly taken place in the One State. But, there are so many different settings. Like, when I-90 finds out that D-503 had sex with I-330, D-503 gets on the elevator and he says "down, down, down," (70).  That setting  in the elevator relates to his mood and how he was supposed to be having sex with his girlfriend and instead had I-90 tell him to leave her alone.

Point of View: We is in first person.  The narrator, D-503, is largely influenced in the story.

Symbol: Gas Bell Jar represents dehumanization.  The Gas Bell Jar is what makes them act and think the way they do for what they think is happiness.

Theme: So far I think the theme of the story is The One State definition of happiness is to have everyone do everything the same way.  Perfect with no mistakes.  I think this theme is actually accurate.  A lot of people, even myself, think that if everything perfect you will be happy.  That isn't necessarily true.  Celebrities are a great example.  They have all the money in the world with luxury cars and mansions with fashion clothing.  Everyone thinks there life is perfect but many celebrities I think are unhappy.  The same goes for robots I guess you could call them in We.  You can tell that D-503 is falling apart, so really there lifestyle isn't making everyone happy.

Monday, January 17, 2011


Hi! My name is Casey Kelly.  I am from Omaha, Nebraska.  I have lived in Nebraska my entire life.  I absolutely hate winter.  So, I really hope second semester goes by fast because I love summer. In high school I played soccer and was involved in show choir and musicals. I also love Lady Gaga.  I know a lot of people think she's a freak but I love her.  I'm going to her concert in March and I am so excited!! Well.. that's about it!